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Building Codes Adopted by the Board of Directors
July 12, 2001 UPDATED: May 19, 2015

What is required to submit a building permit?

  • Current Lot Survey
  • Complete Set of blue prints, workable plot plan, Floor plan, front elevation, side elevation, and a specification sheet (if applicable) must be submitted.

Approved Construction Materials:

  • All materials used in the construction of a single dwelling unit, remodeling of a single dwelling, or addition to a single dwelling unit must be new.
  • All materials used in addition or remodeling, must match as close as possible to the exterior décor of the structure that is being remodeled or added onto.
  • Culverts to be installed where needed at a minimum of 18 inches in diameter and in some cases larger.

Plumbing, Electrical, Mechanical

  • All wiring must meet National Electrical and Fire Codes.
  • All plumbing must meet State Plumbing and Health Codes.
  • All water and sewer traps must have back flow prevention use.
  • All new meter settings must have back flow prevention valves installed.
  • A charge for the water tap and/or sewer tap installation will be assessed.
  • All sprinkler systems must have back flow prevention valves and must be inspected by a certified inspector.
  • All utilities that are required to cross a paved roadway within the District shall be drilled or bored under the pavement at required depths.  The District shall set the depths or distances.  
  • Any digging requires the contractor or sub-contractor to call dig test at 811.

Retaining Walls

  • Retaining walls must be installed where needed.
  • Any retaining wall over four feet high requires a certified engineered stamp.

New Home Building Requirements

  • 1,000 Square feet is required on small lots.
  • 2,000 square feet is required on large lots.
  • All restrictions on your ground lease agreement apply.
  • A portable toilet must be placed at any construction site before and during the time of all construction, except in the cases of remodeling or additions where a dwelling exits that contains a workable toilet.  

Permits, Fees, Violations, etc.

  • Any violation of the Building codes will constitute a stop work order being issued and subject the offender to pay a penalty of $25 up to $250 fine at the discretion of the ARC.
  • Applicable fees will be assessed by Lubbock County WCID #1.  


Residential Construction Permit Fee Schedule

New Construction

  • New home: $.10 per sq. ft. of conditioned space.  
  • Accessory and/or unconditioned buildings $.10 per sq. ft under roof.

Additions to the floor area

  • $.10 sq. foot

Alterations and Remodeling

  • $1.50 per $1,000.00 construction value, $30,000.00 minimum.


  • $30.00

All Others

  • $30.00

Minimum Building Permit Fee

  • $30.00

Permit Fees, work commencing prior to permit approval

  • One location involved: 200% of normal building permit fee
  • Two locations involved: 200% of normal permit fee for first site, 300% or normal permit fee for second site.
  • Three or more locations involved: As above, except that the third & subsequent sites shall each is assessed fees of 400% of the normal permit fees.  Re-roofing, demolition, and house moving fees shall be the greater of $100 or 200% of the normal permit fee for each site involved.
  • Investigative inspection fee of $75 as deemed necessary

Renewal of Expired Permit

  • One half of original building permit fees, $30 minimum

Renewal of Involuntarily Terminated Permit

  • Great of $100 or 200% of the original permit fees; where utilities have been terminated due to illegal occupancy, the fees shall be paid prior to re-establishment of utility service.

Permit Transfer Fee

  • Scope of work unchanged from original permit: Original fee, not to exceed $250. Scope of work varies from original permit; Fees as for new construction.
  • Investigative inspection fees of $60 may be necessary.

Plumbing, mechanical & electrical permits for new construction

  • $.05 sq. ft. of gross floor area under roof, $30 minimum

Plumbing alterations and remodeling (no change in building area) Total re-plum, as for new construction

  • $2 per $1,000.00 Valuation. $30 minimum

Sewer Tap Fee

  • $650.00

Water Tap Fee

  • $1000.00

